News Draft bill in US Congress condemns Iran’s 1988 massacre of political prisoners June 23, 2017 Amnesty warns against desecration of mass grave in Iran that would destroy crucial forensic evidence of 1988 massacre June 1, 2017 Amnesty warns of reprisal against Iran dissident for speaking out against 1988 massacre May 23, 2017 IBTimes: The West must stand with Iranians against their abusive regime April 25, 2017 OHCHR: UN human rights expert condemns “defamatory” Iran press report April 25, 2017 Iran’s 1988 Massacre: Ebrahim Raisi, key member of Tehran death committee planning presidential bid April 7, 2017 Tribune de Genève: ‘Iran will have to answer for the 1988 massacre’ March 31, 2017 March 2017: UN chief warns of crackdown against dissidents seeking justice over Iran’s 1988 massacre March 30, 2017 March 2017: Asma Jahangir highlights clampdown on dissidents calling for justice over Iran’s 1988 massacre March 17, 2017 « Previous 1 … 12 13 14 15 16 … 19 Next »