Follow up complaint by Maryam Akbari-Monfared
Considering that I, Maryam Akbari-Monfared, a political prisoner incarcerated in Evin Prison, filed an official complaint on Saturday, 15 October 2016, with Tehran’s Public Prosecutor’s office seeking investigations into the execution of my sister and brother in 1988 and disclosure of the details, including identification of those responsible for their execution, I request the following:
- An announcement as to which branch my complaint has been referred to.
- As one of the officials of the Public Prosecutor’s Office has privately told my husband that those responsible for the 1988massacre, including my sister and brother, have either died or aged, I wish to know their names whether dead or aged. I also wish to know why and how my sister and brother, who were serving their prison terms and given that my brother was held in jail in excess of his 3-year sentence, were executed.
- An official from the Public Prosecutor’s Office has told my family in response to my question in the complaint about the burial location of my sister and brother that they are buried in Khavaran Cemetery. I wish to know if this information is accurate, and if they are indeed buried in Khavaran, in which section of the cemetery and what is the exact point?
I wish to remind you that my younger brother, Abdolreza Akbari-Monfared, was arrested in 1980 when he was 17 for selling Mojahed publication and was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment but judicial officials refused to release him even though he had completed his sentence for some years, and he was eventually executed in 1988.
In a special memorial ceremony held on the occasion of the seventh day of my other brother, Alireza, who was executed on 19 September 1980 for supporting the Mojahedin (People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran), security forces attacked the organisers of the ceremony… and arrested the participants including my mother and sister, Roqieh Akbari-Monfared…
My sister who had an infant daughter was sentenced to 8-years imprisonment and was executed in 1988 while she still had another year to complete her prison term.
Since filing a complaint before international tribunals is only possible after referring the case to domestic authorities, and in view of the legal documents and reasoning submitted in my official complaint, I once again reiterate that I, Maryam Akbari-Monfared, demand investigations into the unlawful execution of my sister and brother and disclosure of the details including the identities of those responsible for their deaths, acquisition of their charges and other documents in their files and inquiry into applicable relevant laws, in particular Article 34 of the constitution that recognises seeking justice as the inalienable right of every individual.
Also, considering that their burial location has never been declared to our family, I request disclosure of the way they had been executed and where they have been buried.
Maryam Akbari-Monfared
Women’s Ward, Evin Prison
Background: Maryam Akbari-Monfared is a political prisoner housed in the Women’s Ward of Evin Prison in Tehran.