Call for a UN Commission of Inquiry Into Iran’s 1988 Massacre

Mass murderers are currently running Iran’s government and Judiciary. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was previously identified by JVMI as a key member of the 1988 Death Commissions that extra-judicially sent tens of thousands of political prisoners to their death.

In September 2020, seven United Nations experts sent a letter to the Iranian authorities reiterating that the 1988 massacre “may amount to crimes against humanity” which warrant an “international investigation”.

The UN experts argued that global inaction over the 1988 massacre has “emboldened” the Iranian authorities to “conceal the fate of the victims and to maintain a strategy of deflection and denial.”

Raisi and other Death Commission members currently serving in the Judiciary have seized on the global inaction to murder current-day anti-government protesters and terrorize the nation with impunity.

It is time for United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk to formally establish a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the 1988 massacre and end impunity for the perpetrators.

JVMI is appealing to all survivors of the 1988 massacre and relatives of victims to come forward with any information that could help an international Commission of Inquiry in establishing the facts and lead to the prosecution of the perpetrators.

Anyone who has evidence is encouraged to either approach the JVMI or directly contact the Office of the High Commission (OHCHR) and the UN Special Procedures.